Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!
There was this dessert that Diann made for one of our Real Time groups. Everyone raved about it (another “R” word). Many asked for the recipe and, at the end of the evening, she said, “I need to get that recipe, to you, so you can forward to the group.” I said, “Okay.” That may have been 2 months ago. Yesterday, while at my office, I was cleaning up some papers and found a sheet that said, “Diann’s dessert recipe.” Ooops, we forgot to share that with you. I texted Diann, got the link for the recipe and thought, Hmmm, I could share that in my Random Reflections mailing this month.
Kept wondering what else could I share. This morning I was reading emails and came across a newsletter/blog article from the “How We Love” team, on addictions. I’m like, “share this.” Why? The article caused me to stop and think…of myself, of friends, of family members and of those that I have coached. Take a minute and read it. Wonder if it will cause you to stop and think? Their blog is packed full of resources that point us toward healing and wholeness and to Jesus. Check. Sharing with my tribe.
So, that is Recipe and Resource. Where in the world did rev-up come from? Truth: I needed a 3rd word for my heading and, by this point, I wanted the 3rd word to be an “R” word. (This same letter thing used to drive me crazy, now it makes me laugh and I use it.)
Still with me on the Tammy-thinking trail? I was trying all kinds of words, and THEN the word Rev jumped in. It jumped in my head because I am revved up. Revved up on steroids today. Not bad steroids that will make me bulk up, though I might like some of those kind of steroids…but doctor prescribed steroids (yesterday) for a skin ailment, that I have been doctoring myself, for the last 4 weeks. I know, I’m not a doctor and that was probably too long to wait, but I was in denial and thought it was getting better. It wasn’t and the month long itching finally drove me to the doctor. Just smile with me.
Back to where Rev-up came from. The steroids have seriously revved me up, which I don’t need on a normal day, but have to take this day. I thought, goodness I am revved up on these, and there birthed the 3rd word, rev up; yes, that’s the word and it’s what we need. We need to rev-up…and we need to help rev-up one another. I looked up the word. Yep, it’s in the dictionary.
Rev up: to increase in strength.
Dear sweet sista-friends (don’t roll your eyes when I call you that—it’s endearing), what will increase your strength? What do you need to make that happen? Who do you have in your life that rev’s you up? And, where is Jesus in this revving up process in your life?
I believe it is time to rev up…and not on Rx steroids! We need to figure out what rev up means to us and how to rev up…spirit, soul and body. I need it. You need it. We need it. It will look different for all of us. We will all be at different places, spaces and time and running different paces, in the race, (wow, that all randomly rhymed-smile again please) but let’s do are darnedest not compare and, whatever we do, let’s not stop. Can we please, embrace where we are and go at our own pace (with Jesus by our side and our friends on the sidelines)? Let’s partner together, as a tribe of friends and confidants, to encourage (and spur on) one another to keep running, to finish strong…keep running…through the finish line! Don’t stop. Cheer for one another. Be for one another. Rev up your brave souls!
I think we all long for the day to hear those words, “Well done, good and faithful servant…”
Oh girls, we know there are days when life is FULL and FUN and ABUNDANT and we cherish those days! We also know that there are days when life isn’t easy, but hey, God never promised smooth sailing. The Word tells us we will have mountaintop days and valley nights. BUT God reminds and encourages us with this truth…
Rev up and be an over-comer…victory awaits! Amen and Amen.
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Want the recipe and the resource?
Resource: (Addictions: Do You Have One?)
One Comment
Tammy I had to smile when reading your letter because I could just see you smiling and getting excited about what God was showing you. Yes lets get excited about where God is taking us, lets not look at where we have been with regret. God has a plan for each and every one of us and if we just allow HIm to work and lead us what an exciting journey it could be.